You walk into the kitchen. Annabelle is playing Super Mario Sunshine, entranced. Her girlfriend Eae (like the fifth letter) is lying on the ground, begging to be stepped on. Anabelle ignores her, which Eae finds extremely enjoyable.
[[Do Nothing]]
[[Leave]]"Eae!" you ask. "Why must you simp upon Annabelle thusly?"
Why are you talking like that?
"Prithee!" you say. "I beseech thee, simp no more!"
Eae makes a bizarre assertion and then doesn't explain. She wants you to ask a clarifying question.
[["What do you mean?]]
[[Punch her]]
Eae keeps begging. Louder and more desperately as time goes on.
[[Enough!|Inquire]]You step outside. The world is grey. Concrete and the sides of buildings. Grey drizzle threatens to fall from low white clouds. Everywhere garbage smushing in the wet. You see Marley, who is a dog, on the steps, a cigarette in her little paws.
"Arf arf!" she barks.
How did she light that if she doesn't have thumbs?
She rolls up a joint. It's the most incredible thing you've ever seen.
[[Ask for a hit]]
[[Burn yourself on the lit cigarette]]
She explains her idea in depth. She seems to think about things that you'd rather die than consider. At some point she uses the word "ontological".
[[Punch her]] You punch her. Face flushed, she begins to pant.
[[Leave in disgust|Leave]]You take a hit of Marley's DANK WEED and you get super high. She's got the good stuff alright.
[[Think about gender]]
[[Think about your parents]]"Some horrific imitation of the female form."
[[Alright, that's quite enough.]] "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother;"
[[Continue thinking]]It hurts. Will it leave a scar?
[[Think about gender]] "I'm really proud of the man you've become."
[[Alright, that's quite enough.]]The gate opens. Violet walks up to you. She greets you.
[["What have you been up to?"]]
[[How do you feel about the top shortage in Brooklyn?]]"I've been working on a mix", she says. But it's been hard to get the compression and EQ right.
[[What is compression?]]
[[What is EQ?]]"There IS NO top shortage in Brooklyn. There's just a bunch of LITTLE BABY BOTTOMS who want to be SPANKED and have their DAIPERS CHANGED. Well I've had enough!" She goes inside.
Your phone rings. You see that it's Piper.
[[Answer him]]
[[Don't answer]]"Dynamic range compression (DRC) or simply compression is an audio signal processing operation that reduces the volume of loud sounds or amplifies quiet sounds, thus reducing or compressing an audio signal's dynamic range. Compression is commonly used in sound recording and reproduction, broadcasting, live sound reinforcement and some instrument amplifiers." she says.
[[How do you feel about the top shortage in Brooklyn?]] "Equalization, or simply EQ, in sound recording and reproduction is the process of adjusting the volume of different frequency bands within an audio signal. The circuit or equipment used to achieve this is called an equalizer." she informs you.
[[How do you feel about the top shortage in Brooklyn?]] "I need to give you something for Valentine's Day," he says. "Is that allowed?" You forgot it was Valentine's Day.
[[It's allowed]]
[[It's not allowed]]You ignore his call. It's cold out here, you'd better get indoors.
[[Head in]]
[[Stay out in the cold]]
(set: $piperHere to 0)"Yeah, that's allowed," you say. You hang up.
[[Smoke a cigarette]]
(set: $piperHere to 1)"Sorry, that's not allowed," you say. You hang up the phone. There's not much to do out here.
[[Head in]]
[[Smoke a cigarette]]You head in. Everyone is gathered around the CRTV, panicked. Silently, you join the watching group and, in a strange and staticy voice, a news anchor reveals the horrible findings.
"There is a class-4 meteor headed straight for Earth!" he says. Despair floods the room.
"Don't worry," says Annabelle. "I'm an engineer, and I've prepared for just this situation."
She presses a button on her DS-lite and the roof of her apartment swings outward like an opening box. The floor rumbles and separates to reveal a large and impressive rocket underneath.
"Everybody get in!" Anabelle shouts and you scurry into the great steel womb of the ship.
To be continued...You start to shiver. The city is some great concrete ice-bath. The air itself is some terrible enemy, eeking the comfort from your bones. You wish for death.
(if: $piperHere > 0) [[[Die]]]
[[Live]]You decide to die of hypothermia, but then Piper arrives. He is holding something behind his back.
"I have a gift for you. Is that allowed?"
[[It's not allowed|notAllow2]]
[[It's allowed|allow2]]
You decide it's nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune than to take arms against a sea of torubles and, by opposing, end them.
[[Head in]] "Sorry," you say, "But that's not allowed."
He frowns and heads home.
[[Go inside|Head in]]He hands you a bouquet of flowers.
"Happy valentine's day!" he says.
[[Go inside with Piper|Head in]]
[[Kick him down the stairs]]It gives you a nice kick but makes you kind of anxious. You forget about the cigarette and it burns your fingers. You should probably go back inside.
[[Head in]]
[[Stay out in the cold]] A look of horror and betrayal as Piper falls down the concrete stairs, flowers in hand, and dies.
[[Cry]]What the hell is wrong with you?
[[Head in]]You weep. What have you done?
[[Head in]]